Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Breath Of Civility

I ran across a mention of Maya Lin's Systematic Landscapes mention in the L.A. Times and later found a short documentary on it on youtube. The works are deceptively simple and force the viewer to consider the natural environment and humanity's impact on it in a non-didactic manner that evokes concern and questions rather than strident arguments and ugly finger-pointing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My brother instilled me in a great respect for Maya Lin. I was already entranced by the piece featured in her art:21 chapter, the park in Grand Rapids, Michigan. But my brother works for a landscape design company in Boston, and they just love her.

I was glad to see what became of the piles of glass and the bubbles and the board, which we saw in art:21 but didn't have much else to go on. Her pieces are so elegant. She doesn't fit in just one box, so I don't know whether to call her an environmental artist or installation artist or...etc. If she's not in "the pantheon" yet, she ought to be.