Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sometimes, Obvious is OK

I ran across this article in the Times today about the Lichtenstein show at Larry Gagosian’s gallery.

In addition to writing a bubbly, sort of sunny review of the show, Roberta Smith makes a few really wonderful points:

“These paintings are themselves bursts, hot flashes of composition, America, humor and color galvanized and made one by pictorial intelligence. Because their visual machinations are perfectly obvious, they make normally arcane terms like form and formalism exhilaratingly accessible. Basically we watch them work.”


"This show makes especially clear how Lichtenstein’s work functions as a kind of prime in looking at and understanding the grand fiction of painting: the thought it requires, its mechanics, its final simplicity and strangeness. These great paintings convey all this in a flash of pleasure, compounded by the thrill of understanding."

“Roy Lichtenstein: Girls” continues through June 28 at the Gagosian Gallery, 980 Madison Avenue, near 77th Street, (212) 744-2313,

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